Thursday, May 16, 2019

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Triggers and Symptoms

In case you have lost count of how often you have suffered from sleepless nights, interrupted sleep, or poor-quality sleep, then you're certainly not alone.

Some of the common symptoms of sleep disorders include: lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, memory loss and forgetfulness, diminished productivity and performance at school or work, depression, lack of energy, mood disturbances (e.g. irritability, anger, impulsive actions, etc.), irregular breathing, fatigued driving, and an overall decreased quality of life.

Common Sleep Disorders

Based on Dr. Avi Weisfogel, the founder and owner of the International Academy of Sleep (IAOS), there are more than 70 recognized forms of sleep ailments , and among the most common are sleep apnea, insomnia and restless leg syndrome, respectively.

Avi Weisfogel dentist


About 10% of adults in the U.S. suffer from chronic insomnia, which can be a painful illness that is characterized by: difficulty falling asleep at night, frequently waking up in the middle of the night and with problems falling asleep, and routinely waking up significantly earlier than planned or desired. Normally, chronic insomnia refers to situations where insomnia continues for at least three weeks, and acute insomnia refers to shorter durations. Dr. Avi Weisfogel notes that many men and women switch between bouts of acute and chronic insomnia. He also adds that the condition may temporarily alleviate for weeks or months at a stretch before returning.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea (formally called obstructive sleep apnea or OSA) affects about 20 million people in the U.S. However, Dr. Avi Weisfogel notes that as many as 90% of these individuals are living with undiagnosed and therefore untreated sleep apnea, possibly because they don't know they have this debilitating and potentially fatal condition, or they don't realize that it is a serious problem that has to be evaluated by a health care professional.

Sleep apnea occurs when the soft tissues in the throat relax during sleep and block the upper respiratory system. A partial blockage typically causes snoring, while a complete blockage causes somebody to stop breathing for several seconds during the night. This forced the brain to awaken and causes violent gasping and hacking, to be able to clear the airway and allow oxygen to get into the lungs.

As noted above, a lot of men and women who undergo this procedure on a regular basis -- and it may happen several times a night -- are unaware it is happening. As such, upon awakening they generally feel tired and irritable, but do not understand why (or they attribute it to the wrong root cause, such as something they ate or an argument, they had the night before). In addition, the burden placed on the respiratory system puts a strain on the heart, which can result in heart attack, heart arrhythmia, heart failure, and other serious and possibly fatal cardiological problems.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a common neurological disorder that compels individuals to constantly move their legs, feet, and possibly other body parts during sleep. The compulsion is triggered by sensations such as itching, aching, burning, throbbing and pulsing. Understandably, the constant need to shift position wreaks havoc on sleep quality. As with sleep apnea, lots of folks who suffer from restless leg syndrome are unaware that they have a clinical condition for which treatment and medications are available. Dietary and lifestyle changes may also alleviate or eliminate symptoms.

Getting Help

If you know or think that you are suffering from one of them or any other sleep disorders, then speak with your primary care physician. A growing number of dentists are also offering their patients sleep apnea evaluations. Adds Dr. Avi Weisfogel: it's a mistake for people to assume that sleep disorders correct themselves over time, or that poor excellent sleep is something which they must learn how to live with and accept. Neither of these are true. The issue is severe, and help can be found.

The post Obstructive Sleep Apnea Triggers and Symptoms Read more on: Dr. Avi Weisfogel


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