Thursday, June 6, 2019

12 Medications That Can Make You Fat or Ruin Your Sleep [Part 1, Podcast 64]

Prescription medications are the mainstay of modern medicine. But what we don’t realize is that many common medications have the potential to make you fat or ruin your sleep. Please join Kathy and me as we discuss 12 Medications that can Make You Fat or Ruin Your Sleep. This is Part 1, and in our next podcast, we will go over various ways to avoid prescription medications. 

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3 reasons why we shifted from acute to chronic care for medications

3 pathways that medications aggravate sleep problems and weight gain 

  1. High blood pressure medications (lower melatoninand nasal congestion)
  2. Acid reducers (proton pump inhibitors)
  3. High cholesterol medications
  4. Antibiotics 
  5. Antihistamines
  6. Birth control pills

Estrogen dominanceDr. John Lee

Wisdom of Menopauseby Dr. Northrup

Estrogen promoting environmental toxins podcast

Endocrine disruption podcast (Trasande)

  1. Viagra and other medications for erectile dysfunction (nasal congestion)
  2. Oral steroids
  3. Antidepressants  

Reader comment about Paxil 

  1. Mood stabilizers

Upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS)

  11. Stimulants for ADHD

  12. Sleeping pills

Interview with Dr. Karkow on treatment resistant insomnia

Blog response on 7 Drugs That Can Cause OSA

The post 12 Medications That Can Make You Fat or Ruin Your Sleep [Part 1, Podcast 64] appeared first on Doctor Steven Y. Park, MD | New York, NY | Integrative Solutions for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome, and Snoring.


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