Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Truth About Prescription and OTC Sleep Aids [Podcast 71]

sleeping pill

In this episode, Kathy and I are going to be talking about another controversial topic that many of you have probably had some experience with at one time or another…and that’s the issue of sleeping pills and OTC sleep aids. In particular, we will be discussing:

  • Why sleeping pills are usually the wrong way of treating insomnia
  • Why insomnia may not really be insomnia
  • How to wean yourself off sleeping pills
  • A non-prescription therapy that’s better than sleeping pills in the long run.

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Show Notes:

Medicalization of sleepiness

Americans getting worse at taking sleeping pills

Increase in visits to the ER due to Ambien

Podcast: How to sleep better without medications

Podcast: How medications are harming you 

Risk of complications for sleeping pills

Sleeping pills and risk of dying and cancer

Sleeping pills and risk of bony fractures


Zolpidem and risk of Parkinson’s

Insomnia increases risk of dying

Insomnia as a harbinger of mental illness

Insomnia and future risk of heart disease

Insomnia and increased risk of dementia

Hip fractures with Ambien

Sleeping pill vs. CBT-i study

3 Ps of insomnia 

Krakow’s OSA in treatment resistant insomnia study

Dr. Krakow’s podcast on OSA and Insomnia

Dreams about choking while sleeping

Sleep endoscopy in AHI < 5 study

UARS paper – Guilleminault

SLEEPINESS 10 steps: checklist of good sleep habits

Podcast 65: How to sleep better without medications

3 Rs: Sleep restriction, reconditioning and relaxation

Neck stretching exercises

Two floppy valves videos

Online CBT-i programs


The post The Truth About Prescription and OTC Sleep Aids [Podcast 71] appeared first on Doctor Steven Y. Park, MD | New York, NY | Integrative Solutions for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome, and Snoring.


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